Sit Down and be Quiet
How many times have you heard that in your life? How many times have you told someone else those words? It’s funny how the first 2-3 years of a child’s life we are teaching them to stand up and walk, and to talk. The next 15 years are spent telling them to sit down...
What is Mysticism
“One of the most beautiful qualities of human existence is this sense of mystery” One of the most beautiful qualities of human existence is this sense of mystery, which says there is something out there worth striving towards, something that cannot be grasped by any...
Body and Meditation
“What you are experiencing is not a body, but a boundary” During meditation today, use your own body as your distraction. That means the space where you will move around during meditation is your own body. So, start with the breath. Just observe the breath. Be in that...
This Moment
Come sit by me child I want to share with you the greatest secret that has ever been shouted from the highest mountain, sung by every bird, whispered by every leaf. Falling on ears deafened with thoughts of wealth, success, fame and fortune, to be enjoyed by what?...
Liberation of the Individual
“Until an individual comes to a fundamental questioning of who he is, he is simply lost in the collectivity.” Spirituality is not an ideology, it is not a concept, and it is not a manmade dream. Spirituality is an existential longing to know who you are. That is why...
Seeking Divinity is an individual’s journey
“Not everyone who has a body is an individual.” An individual is an ocean; a vast, unimaginable ocean of life. An individual is aliveness; he is not what you see. A person is simply what he is. You are simply what you are. There is a tremendous difference between the...
The Raindrop and the Sea
Does a raindrop know the sea? From its source it flees,But where it goes, it not knows.Afraid of what living holds. Doesn’t it know the gay streams,Bathing among golden beams?Did it forget the mighty rivers,To even oceans, an endless giver? Thinking it’s alone,...
Forgetting the old
There is a deep connection between meditation and creativity, as meditation creates the zone of silence necessary for creativity to flourish. Meditation is the process of tilling the soil and adding the manure. Creativity is the seed that you plant in the fertile...
The flow of life
“Creation is something that happens from the inside and flows to the outside.” Creativity is the very process of life. Everything that is happening around us is happening through the process of creativity. Creativity is not just an isolated domain or department of...
Chusi and her babies
Back in September we noticed a stray squash vine growing, just off the back steps, with several green squashes on it. The fruits really couldn’t be identified as any one specific squash, as it was a volunteer plant, and squash plants interbreed very readily. Avi...
Why I Dumped Religion
“Life is much more of an individual responsibility than the church wants us to believe.” I didn’t grow up in a “religious” household. I mean we didn’t pray before we ate, but we did the cursory “Now I lay me down to sleep” at night, and we didn’t attend church as a...
Inside the head of a meditator
When you observe a person meditating, all looks calm and serene. Well, looks can be deceiving! Unless you are looking at an experienced, well-seasoned meditator, it’s most likely not all calm and serene in there. See, the purpose of meditation is to step away from...