If a tree falls …
he fundamental question is: “Is there an independent existence that goes on all by itself whether you exist or not?” If a tree falls in the forest and nobody was around, did it really fall? That’s a very fundamental, existential question. Why do you ask such a...
What Matters
I’ve never climbed in the Himalayas but I’ve read a lot about those who do. And it is there climbers encounter above twenty-five or twenty-six thousand feet a place known as the Death Zone. It is so named because at that altitude there is a variety of conditions that...
Creativity: The Flow of life
“Creation is something that happens from the inside and flows to the outside.” Creativity is the very process of life, the very process of creation itself. Everything that is happening around us is happening through the process of creativity. Creativity is not just an...
Challenge Your Perception of Reality
I’ve always loved engaging in a psychologically-stimulating discussion with someone. Thinking “outside the box” should be a regular practice to keep ourselves from getting stagnant. Once you step outside, you’ll realize just how small our boxes are. Since I’ve become...
Exploring Your Inner Space
As a student and volunteer at Inner-Revolution, one of the tasks I work on daily is editing and uploading Avi’s video talks to YouTube. I truly enjoy listening to all of them, but once in a while one of them really resonates with me. One of the students asked Avi...
Getting Rid of Conflicts in your Thinking
“You cannot transcend your thoughts as long as there is a conflict in your thoughts.” You cannot transcend your thoughts as long as there is a conflict in your thoughts. It is conflict that occupies the Self with thoughts, because thoughts try to resolve conflict....
Don’t Throw Your Life Away
At any moment of your own choosing, you can stop running, then pause and reflect on the life that is already yours. You can very much be alive and still throw your life away if you don’t know what exactly it means to be alive. Life is not just a precious experience...
Observing what you are not
I am the spark of aliveness that is making this body move–the spark that will never die. Once I began meditating, certain things started making sense–real sense, as in “why didn’t I see this before now?” sense. The basic piece of information I’ve discovered is that...
From Religion to Individuality
Christianity is the last big religion Another Christianity, another religion like the way Christianity has happened, is an impossibility, so Christianity is the last big religion. Islam is also there, but Islam is still new. If one of these two religions goes away...
Detachment: The Practice of Self-Love
First, let’s understand what attachment is. Attachment begins with a desire of the mind; the root of all attachments is a desire. When the object of that desire begins to manifest, either in the form of a relationship or in the form of a fulfilled desire, then the...
How to Add Meditation to Your Day
We make time for things we want to do So, are you ready to start meditating but unsure how to work it into your busy schedule? I’ve been there–corporate job, two kids, husband, daily commute–sometimes insanely long (1-1/2 hours one way) and most of the time we were...
Beginner’s Guide to Meditation
“Meditation exists within us–we’ve just got to find it” Meditation is probably the simplest of daily routines we can pick up that can tremendously increase our physical and mental wellbeing. At the most basic level, meditation is a process of consciously watching our...