The Art of Self-Sufficiency
Many years ago I was at a job interview and the interviewer asked the question, “What are your goals?” By that point in my life I was getting weary of the 8-hour-per day grind, listening to employees whining and complaining about everything, and just feeling like I...
Be careful what you ask for
Have you ever come to that point in your life where you ask the question, “Seriously, what am I doing with my life?” I asked myself that question during my 30’s, again in my 40’s, and then again in my 50’s. The answer in my 30’s was to quit a good-paying government...
Chusi and her babies
Back in September we noticed a stray squash vine growing, just off the back steps, with several green squashes on it. The fruits really couldn’t be identified as any one specific squash, as it was a volunteer plant, and squash plants interbreed very readily. Avi...