A human journey is nothing but an expedition in search of love. Everything we do is a way to move towards love. Therefore, it is important to understand what exactly love is. It is so easy to confuse love with all of the other emotions. Love seems to be very subtle, internal, and feels like an emotion, but love is independent of all human emotions.
Love is a certain quality; it is the underlying reality of a person. You can almost say that an individual is nothing but love; all we want is give and receive love. The most important thing about love is that unless you have love within you to give, you cannot get it from outside. The only way to get love is to give love; it is a simple rule, it is the most ancient rule, and it is never going to change. A relationship should be about giving love, not just requesting love, or demanding love.
“A human journey is nothing but an expedition in search of love.”
Then, where does this love come from, which makes it possible for us to share it? Love is that blissful moment when we are beyond all our doubts, fears, and prejudices about another person. When we can experience that pure state of being in the moment, love is a natural and effortless outflowing. It is impossible for someone else to fill our cup of love fully, because another person will always add his/her own emotions, judgments and desires to the process. Another person will always add something more than what is needed.
Love is something you have to find within yourself. You have to observe your thought process and your way of life. You have to go deeper into silence to connect with that zone of pure love. Once you know what that wellspring of love is and how to access it, every relationship of yours is sustainable because now you will have something to give. Once you find this wellspring of love within, you will not ask and crave for love, rather you will try and find every opportunity to give and share love.
Let’s say there are two individuals, one of whom is filled with love more than the other. She is filled with love for no reason, and that love is keeping her happy and in a positive state of mind; that love is urging her to give and share. Now imagine how easy it would be to fall in love with this person! All of us want to receive, so when there is a giver of love in the relationship, the relationship is automatically sustained.
In fact, one individual can have so much love to give that it can even compensate for the lack of love in another person. More often than not, relationships are sustained by individuals who have slightly more love to give than the other partner of the relationship. So in moments of conflict, in moments of confrontation, the individual with more love to give compensates for lack of it in the other. At the end of the day, love is simply a consequence of knowing ourselves fully. The more we know ourselves, the easier it is to love.
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