Lesson 13

Deeper Meaning & Purpose

The quieter you become, the more you are able to hear.

 – Rumi

Have you ever asked yourself the question:  “What is the real meaning and purpose of my life?” Why should you even ask this question? You’re asking this question because you are still searching for something more in life. In spite of all that you have seen, experienced and accomplished, you still feel that there is something more to life. Is it possible for you to pursue a path that can help you to understand your life fully? The answer is a resounding yes!

Human beings and all other living creatures on this planet can be put on a grading scale of instinct, emotion, intelligence, and awareness. The majority of living creatures are at the most basic instinctual level. At this level, animals have very little control over their natural environment. They have the ability to instinctively respond to situations to find food, escape danger, and reproduce, but they cannot express their emotions or drastically alter their environment.

Human beings predominantly operate out of their emotional states, the next step up on the grading scale. Using emotions, we can express ourselves, develop relationships with others, communicate, and significantly alter our environment.

The next level above emotion is intelligence, and there are a number of human beings operating from this state. Intelligence can teach us even through the experience of others, but rather than learn from others, most of us still have to “experience it for ourselves”. Inference, logic, and deduction are all different parts of our intelligence.

At one level above intelligence is Awareness: Awareness is the ultimate state from which one can operate, and only a few human beings have reached this state. When we are fully aware, we can access our instincts, emotions, intelligence, and intuition.

Awareness opens the door of pure perception through which we can perceive a lot more than what our senses can grasp. When we operate from awareness we are deeply connected to everything that is happening around us. A human being becomes a totally different transcendental phenomenon in a state of perfect awareness. Every culture has celebrated the lives of those individuals who have managed to reach this state of perfect awareness.

There are basically two types of knowledge; horizontal and vertical. Horizontal knowledge helps us to grow in the physical dimension. Everything we acquire and accomplish in this physical world is a part of this horizontal growth. Material wealth and comforts, financial security, name and fame are all different aspects of growth using horizontal knowledge. The other, more important knowledge, is a vertical knowledge that can help us to attain to our mental, emotional, psychological and spiritual perfection.

The knowledge that changed the course of human history was discovering a systematic path to move from instinct to emotion to intelligence to awareness, which represents true vertical growth. Through conscious effort, a few individuals managed to go beyond the limitations of the human mind and body to experience a state of pure awareness and bliss.

The methods and systems they shared with us to help us explore our lives fully became our most prized possessions. This knowledge represented true human growth. Every 

culture has claimed this knowledge for itself, while mostly misunderstanding the true universal applications and benefits. This knowledge is what we are all searching for. This knowledge is the art of mindfulness and meditation.

There is one fundamental difference between accomplishing things on the outside and attaining to inner perfection. While we can understand our outside world by using knowledge and experiences acquired by others, the only way to understand our inner world is by going on an exploratory and experiential inward journey.

In the inner world, the journey is infinitely more important than the destination. The methods and techniques we use to explore our lives are more important than worrying too much about the results they produce. Transformation in the inner world happens by dedicating ourselves to the regular practice of the right methods, and not by simply believing or desiring for change.

Now, let’s have a closer look at mental, emotional, psychological and spiritual growth.

The seeker of Truth

After years of searching, the seeker was told to go to a cave, in which he would find a well. ‘Ask the well what is Truth‘, he was advised, ‘and the well will reveal it to you’. Having found the well, the seeker asked that most fundamental question. And from the depths came the answer, ‘Go to the village crossroad: there you shall find what you are seeking’.

Full of hope and anticipation the man ran to the crossroad to find only three rather uninteresting shops. One shop was selling pieces of metal, another sold wood, and thin wires were for sale in the third. Nothing and no one there seemed to have much to do with the revelation of truth.

Disappointed, the seeker returned to the well to demand an explanation, but he was told only, ‘You will understand in the future.’ When the man protested, all he got in return were the echoes of his own shouts. Indignant for having been made a fool of – or so he thought at the time – the seeker continued his wanderings in search of Truth. As years went by, the memory of his experience at the well gradually faded until one night, while he was walking in the moonlight, the sound of sitar music caught his attention. It was wonderful music and it was played with great mastery and inspiration.

Profoundly moved, the Truth seeker felt drawn towards the player. He looked at the fingers dancing over the strings. He became aware of the sitar itself. And then suddenly he exploded in a cry of joyous recognition: the sitar was made out of wires and pieces of metal and wood just like those he had once seen in the three stores and had thought it to be without any particular significance.

At last he understood the message of the well: We have already been given everything we need. Our task is to assemble and use it in the appropriate way. Nothing is meaningful so long as we perceive only separate fragments. But as soon as the fragments come together into a synthesis, a new entity emerges, whose nature we could not have foreseen by considering the fragments alone.

Mental Growth:

It is impossible to understand the deeper meaning and purpose of our lives without understanding the deeper thought structures and patterns of our mind. Our mind holds the key to understanding our true purpose.

By consciously observing our thought processes throughout the day, we can decipher the underlying patterns of our mind which will help us in understanding our purpose better. Maintaining a calm, composed and relaxed mind is crucial for observing what is happening within and around us, and for making the necessary changes to move in the right direction.

Observing our thoughts has to be one of our top daily priorities. By decoding our thoughts, we can get closer to decoding our lives. There is no way to understand our thoughts other than by consciously watching them.

Emotional Growth:

Emotional growth is very different from mental growth. While mental growth lies in going deeper and understanding our mind, emotional growth lies in learning how to put some distance between us and our emotions. This can be achieved by being fully aware of our different emotions of anger, fear, happiness, uncertainty, worry, and frustration.

By observing our emotions we can slowly detach ourselves from them. The highest state of emotional growth we can attain to is total freedom from all emotional pain. This is a unique and beautiful state where we are unaffected by our emotions, although we are constantly surrounded by them. This state of detached attachment can be attained by looking at our emotions from a distance, and by knowing fully that we are not our emotions.

Psychological Growth:

Psychological growth is all about learning how to apply our mind effectively in different situations. Life is not a simple straight line; there are many twists and turns we must deal with on a daily basis.

By deepening our ability to remember different experiences, we can learn quickly from our past mistakes and make the right decisions. The simplest way to increase our memory is by paying full attention to what we are doing in the present moment. All of our experiences have to pass through the door of the present moment before they can become a part of our memory.

By guarding the gate of the present moment, we can remember and recollect almost anything. With the ability to remember and recollect information quickly, we can deal with our daily psychological challenges effectively and eventually get to a perfect understanding of life.

Spiritual Growth:

Spiritual growth has nothing to do with religion; spirituality and religion are two completely different dimensions of life. Spirituality is all about connecting to our inner silence, solitude, and stillness.

Learning how to step away from the constant noise and clutter of the mind to find a zone of inner silence is the objective of spirituality. It is our spiritual growth that determines our true meaning and purpose of life.

Without growing spiritually, we will never be able to fully experience peace, contentment, and certainty. Spiritual growth is a way of stepping away from all man-made concepts to move closer to natural existence.

When we are alone, silent, and still, we are closest to our inner nature. Learning how to be in this blissful state all the time, even when we are around people, is true spiritual growth.

The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why. 

 – Mark Twain

Questions For Reflection


Question 1: In what way are humans different than all other creatures of existence?

Question 2: How can we detach ourselves from our emotions?

Question 3: What is the highest state of consciousness that we can attain?

Question 4: What are the two types of knowledge that we can gain and how are they different?


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